Use Raw Therapee to reduce noise in photo images
Photos taken in low light and high iso situations may look noisy at 1:1 resolution. An example of a moderately noisy image is shown below.

Raw Therapee has a good noise reduction function which can be accessed by clicking the Detail pane on the right. This will display the Sharpening, Noise reduction and Defringe settings as shown in the screenshot below.

Toggle on Enabled for Noise reduction. Then gradually adjust the Luminance, Chrominance or Gamma values and observe the level of noise in the image preview until the noise is reduced to your satisfaction.

Raw Therapee has a good noise reduction function which can be accessed by clicking the Detail pane on the right. This will display the Sharpening, Noise reduction and Defringe settings as shown in the screenshot below.

Toggle on Enabled for Noise reduction. Then gradually adjust the Luminance, Chrominance or Gamma values and observe the level of noise in the image preview until the noise is reduced to your satisfaction.

Then press CTRL+S and save the image into an output TIFF, JPEG, or PNG file.