Image background removal using Krita

Like other image editing software such as Gimp or Photoshop, Krita has similar tools to remove the background of an image non-destructively using transparency masks.

The following steps show how:

  1. Open up an image in Krita.

  2. In the Layers pane on the right, mouse right click on the paint layer.

    A pop up menu appears.

  3. Choose Add | Transparency Mask.

    A transparency mask sub layer is created underneath the paint layer.

  4. Draw a selection polygon roughly around the foreground object in the image using the Polygonal Selection Tool, as shown below. Then in the File menu, click Select | Invert Selection.

  5. Choose Black as the foreground color. Choose a Brush e.g. Basic-1 Ink. Make sure the transparency mask layer is selected or active. Then paint over the background.

  6. Choose Select | Deselect to remove the selection polygon.

    The marching ants selection polygon is removed.
  7. Make the brush size smaller and zoom closer  to the background - foreground boundary. Brush over the remaining background.

    That's it. The background is removed in a non-destructive manner from the image.
    Note: if you made a mistake in removing some foreground pixels, simply change the foreground color to white and paint over the problem area to bring back the foreground pixels


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