How to clip lines with a polygon using Inkscape

In Inkscape, the Clip function can be used to clip one or more lines with a polygon. The trick is to group all the lines together before clipping as shown in the example below.

  1. In Inkscape, select all the vector lines using the Select and transform objects tool (F1).

  2. Select Object | Group.

    The lines are grouped as one.

  3. Now select the polygon.

  4. Select Edit | Copy to make a copy of the polygon. Then select Edit | Paste in Place.

    The polygon is copied and pasted on top of the lines.

  5. Now press SHIFT and click to select the group of lines together with the polygon.

    The polygon and the group of lines are selected.

  6. Select Object | Clip | Set.

    The lines are nicely clipped to the polygon.


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