Brush along a path in Painter

Painter has an interesting Brush setting that aligns your brush strokes to existing curve paths on the canvas. The path can be moved to another location or resized and repainted with another brush stroke. Here are the steps to use the Align To Path setting. 

  1. Start up Corel Painter and create a new file.
  2. Use any of the Main toolbar icons e.g. Pen, Quick Curve, Rectangular Shape, Oval Shape to draw paths on the canvas.

  3. Draw on the canvas.

    The path is drawn on the canvas and a new layer Shape1 is created. .

  4. In the Layers palette, click the Canvas layer.

    The Canvas layer is activated.

  5. Click the Brush icon.

    The Brush property bar appear.

  6. Toggle on the Align-to-Path as shown in the red circle above. And choose a Brush Variant e.g. Pastels' Soft Pastel. Choose a Main Color e.g. yellow.

  7. Brush on the canvas.

    The brush stroke follows the shape path.


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